You have just been awarded an ERC grant and this is the first time in your scientific career that you have to build and manage a big research group? Or you have already started your grant and would like to receive advice on how to efficiently direct your research team? The AERG offers to support its members in this process by organizing a series of online seminars ("webinars") geared towards identifying and discussing, through personal experiences, matters related to “how to manage a bigger research group”. Questions to address would include:
- How to hire the appropriate members for your research team, identify their strengths and guide them (along with the project) to success?
- How to efficiently manage time within the research group and promote a healthy work-life balance?
- How to organize project-related administrative tasks within the team?
Our primary focus are ERC StG recipients, but current and former grantees of any scheme are warmly welcome to join, to pick up new ideas and share their own experiences.
In our first webinar we will identify the matters that the participants face most often. Then, in our second and third webinar we will aim to address and discuss them in depth. Participation in our webinars is free for AERG members but registration is required.
The next meeting of this discussion group will be held on Tuesday, 21 November 16:00 CET, online via Zoom.
The registration link will be provided to AERG members.
If you are interested to join, please get in touch:
Silke Bühler-Paschen is an experimental condensed matter physicist working in the field of strongly correlated electron systems. After graduating from Graz University of Technology, completing a PhD at EPFL in Lausanne, and research stays at ETH Zurich, the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids in Dresden, and Nagoya University, she was appointed full professor of physics at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). Since 2017, she has held a dual appointment with Rice University. She has received two ERC grants (ERC-2008-ADG, ERC-2021-ADG), is the coordinator of an Austria Science Fund SFB (multi-PI project), is/was part of several European consortia (FP7-NoE CMA and Horizon2020-EMP), and has lead multiple stand-alone projects of various funding agencies. She is a founding and current board member of the Association for ERC Grantees.
Konstantina Kilteni studied Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens and she did her PhD studies in Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology at the University of Barcelona. She was a Marie Skłodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Neuroscience in Karolinska Institutet. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Neuroscience in Karolinska Institutet and at the Department of Sensorimotor Neuroscience in Donders Institute. Her two labs are funded by the starting grants of the Swedish and European Research Council respectively.