The Association of ERC Grantees (AERG) is a membership-based International Non-Profit Association registered under Belgian Law and operating in Brussels.

As a Non-Profit Association, AERG's revenue depends almost exclusively on the contributions of its members.

Joining the Association as a full member will give you voting rights in our General Assembly, and, more importantly perhaps, help us defend fundamental research in Europe, and in particular the bottom-up, investigator-driven, excellent research that the European Research Council (ERC) supports.

Membership will also give you privileged access to the events that the Association organizes and enable you to benefit from the networking and mentoring that we aim to develop around our community of 10K ERC Grantees.

Join now and help us defend the contribution of fundamental research to a better Europe and a better world!


Become a member

This form will ask you to fill in your ERC grant details. Once you verify your email address, your membership request will be considered. If accepted, you will be invited to become a member of the association.

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