Our core mission is to highlight, accelerate, and defend fundamental research in Europe


Over 11K scientists to date have benefited from the European Research Council’s mission to support excellent science, across national borders, across disciplines and across the scientific career. ERC grants have transformed the careers of individual scientists, produced important scientific breakthroughs with global impact, and shown how frontier science can drive innovation and wide societal benefit at a transnational level.

The Association of ERC Grantees

To give a voice to this outstanding community, we have created the Association of ERC Grantees as an “Association internationale sans but lucratif” under Belgian Law. The Association builds on the success of the ERC grant programme and is aligned on the common objectives of promoting excellent science within Europe on a bottom-up principle, and of demonstrating the wider societal benefits of funding excellent, high-risk, high-gain scientific research. Our core missions are:

  • To build and sustain a science-based community through networking and exchange amongst its members.
  • To communicate with the wider public about the key role of fundamental research in knowledge-based societies through outreach and community activities.
  • To promote and advocate excellence-based, bottom-up, frontier science funding in Europe, as exemplified by the European Research Council. 

To develop these missions, the Association (1) contributes to debates about the societal and economic benefits of bottom-up, excellence-driven science funding, (2) organises events to communicate core results of public interest, and (3) engages in activities promoting quality applications, with a specific focus on encouraging diversity.


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