The Association of ERC Grantees (AERG) joins the Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE)

Brussels-Strasbourg, October 23, 2023

Founded in September 2020 and granted official recognition as an International Non-Profit Organization in October 2022, the Association of ERC Grantees (AERG) is committed to representing and supporting the community of European Research Council grantees while defending fundamental research.

The core missions of AERG are:

  • To build and sustain a science-based community through networking and exchange amongst its members.
  • To communicate with the wider public about the key role of science in knowledge-based societies through outreach and community activities.
  • To promote and advocate excellence-based, bottom-up, frontier science funding in Europe, as exemplified by the European Research Council.

Prof. Axel Cleeremans, President of the AERG, expresses enthusiasm about the collaboration, stating “AERG recognizes ISE’s activism and substantial role in the very creation of the ERC. We’re eager to join forces and work together with ISE and its members to strengthen our shared mission of defending fundamental research in Europe.”

The Initiative for Science in Europe (ISE) stands as an independent platform representing European Learned Societies and Research Organisations across diverse disciplines and sectors. ISE supports all fields of science at a European level, involves researchers in the design and implementation of European science policies, and advocates strong independent scientific advice in European policy making. ISE has been instrumental in promoting disruptive excellence-based funding programmes for scientific research.

Prof. Martin Andler, ISE President, welcomes AERG into the fold, stating, “Almost twenty years ago, ISE played a central and decisive role in the creation of the European Research Council. Today, it is with great pleasure that we welcome the Association of ERC Grantees among our members. They will naturally bring an essential dimension to our analysis and actions on the European Research Area, in particular on basic research as well as researchers’ careers and mobility. We look forward to working together”.

The addition of AERG to the ISE network further enhances the collective voice of European researchers, enabling them to have a more significant impact on shaping the future of science in Europe.

For more information visit the websites:

Association of ERC Grantees and Initiative for Science in Europe.

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